Law Firm Blog

  • What is there to do with people who have been known to be surrounded by appendages before military service?

    The concept of the appendage to the military service is excluded from the Law "On military obligations and military service" and is required by the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry to bring all related normative legal acts into line with this law. Changes to Order No. 402 “About VLK at ZSU”. It is necessary to undergo a repeated medical examination for 9 months from 05/04/2024.

  • Mobilization of transport means. What will the ZSU require more, a pozashlyakhovik or a moped?

    In this video, lawyer Alik Kerimov looks at the current situation: What type of mobilization of transport vehicles is carried out and what category of people (TZ volunteers) fall under this rule of law? What is important to the transport sector according to the law? What are the procedures for mobilizing transport vehicles and transferring compensation for mobilizing transport vehicles?

  • Release from military service and support from mobilization on behalf of the friendship group with disabilities

    Is it possible to contact the military service in connection with the new changes and cancel the extension from mobility on the basis of the appearance of a friend of the III disability group? Individuals who form a squad (person) from the number of individuals with disability group III, established as a result of oncological illness, may have the right to be released ivok (ends), hands (hands), feet (feet), one from male organs, or for the presence of cancer disease, mental disorder, cerebral palsy or other paralytics in a person with disability group III syndromes.

  • The law on demobilization of persons with disabilities has been adopted

    Bill 10449 introduced a requirement for the release from the military service of persons with disabilities, since they did not find it necessary to continue their military service. How to go through the exemption procedure and what documents need to be obtained before the exemption report? How do individuals with disabilities undergo mobilization in accordance with the Law “About mobilization and mobility training”?

  • Removing evidence about the ultimate fate in combat operations

    How can a military service member who has been released from the military service not be given information by the military unit about the ultimate fate in combat operations? Due to the lack of evidence about the extreme participation in combat operations, a large military service member cannot apply for a pension, as there is a daily additional package of documents. What role does the lawyer play in this situation, as well as the real instrument in extracting such evidence? I will look at the lines of the lawyer's statement in the military parts.

  • Article 408 KKU: How did you become a deserter?

    In the promoted AB "Kerimov and partners" there is a story on the right about the military service, which in 2015, at the hour of the Batkivshchina's protection, was eliminated from the full, with which the command of the military unit was transferred to the DBR on the fact of committing criminal law earring of the pre-baked st. 408 KKU. In this video, lawyer Kerimov Alik and assistant to lawyer Goncharov Valeria reveal details of the situation and the strategy behind the defense aimed at closing criminal activities on the basis of the subsistence of criminal offenses.

  • The right to be released from military service for LKK: procedure and disgrace

    У цьому відео ми розглянемо процес звільнення з військової служби на підставі Лікарсько-ліковної комісії (ЛКК), як воїн може оскаржити відмову на рапорт про звільнення та які сроки розгляду судом у таких випадках. Дізнайтеся про ваші права та можливості в цій важливій сфері військової служби. Звільнення з військової служби по ЛКК. Підстави звільнення з військової служби на підставі необхідності здійснення постійного догляду за особою, яка за висновком ЛКК потребує постійного стороннього догляду, у разі відсутності інших невійськовозобов'язаних осіб, які відповідно до закону мають їх утримувати. Як на практиці працює зазначена підстава та чи можливо оскаржити відмову на рапорт про звільнення? Сроки розгляду судом оскарження відмови на рапорт про звільнення.

  • Case No. 2: The impossibility of viconting the order of the commander behind the camp of health

    The impossibility of viconting the order of the commander behind the camp of health. In this video, lawyer Alik Kerimov reveals about the new law from the military serviceman, who is suspected of committing a crime under Article 403 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and she herself is not violating the order of the commander, who is not the military serviceman. Zdaten Vikonati for the state of health in connection with problems with the eyes. What can happen if the procedure for defamation of the VLK is not completed because of the role this food plays within the framework of criminal activities.

  • Removable case for VLK oskarzhenya

    AB "Kerimov and partners" rejected the final decision of the Central Military Commission for a hundred percent review of the development of the military service of the military service of the ZSU. Based on the results of the review, the regional VLK established that the regular VLK established all the diagnoses and there is no basis for reviewing the decision, the prote CVLK established that the first representative of the VLK made all the diagnoses, which led to the incorrect assignment of the military service level to the military service. As a result, the TsVLK ordered the commander of the military unit to send a military serviceman for a control inspection of the VLK.

  • New winning cases on appealing the VLK for servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard

    In this video, Valeria Goncharova, an assistant lawyer, will talk about new positive results in the AB "Kerimov and Partners" appealing the results of the initial VLK in connection with the establishment of not all diagnoses in military personnel, incorrect establishment of the causal relationship of the injury, as well as failure to establish the severity of the injury, due to which the military personnel could not receive payments for the time spent in treatment.