Unknowns have appeared: recommendations, algorithm of action

As soon as a notification came from the TCC and SP, the Secretary of State was in anonymity for special people, it is necessary:

IMPORTANT: do not disseminate and do not publish on social media the information of the Zahisnik in the military form, the location of the remaining place of his transfer (discovery), the number of the military unit. Such actions can cause harm to Zakhisnik in the event of a sudden overhaul or complete loss.

  1. Submit an Application about the sound of an individual, any unknown situation in special circumstances to the territorial authority of the National Police of Ukraine. 

The application is requested to provide the applicant with as much information as possible regarding the Zahisnik and his appointment - all details regarding the place of work, special features (tattoos, scars, piercings, etc.), speeches, what kind of things you can get from yourself (mobile phone, documents, embellishments) etc. Zakhisnik’s closest relative may also create biological samples to update DNA profiles.

A statement about the sound of an individual, the unknown for special circumstances can be filed by contacting the territorial police department or by calling 102 (ceiling).

After 24 years of filing an application for recognition (subject to Art. 60 CCP of Ukraine) it is necessary to remove the wire from the ЄРДР, where the PIB of the next one will be indicated on the right.

The information recorded in the application about the sound of an individual who is unknown due to special circumstances is added to the Unified Register of Individuals who are unknown due to special circumstances.

  1. And subsequently, after submitting information to the ЄРДР, they will be released from the application of the MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF UKRAINE MANAGEMENT OF NUTRITION OSIB, HAPPENING TO INDEPENDENCE FOR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES (SECRETARIAT UPPOSITED FOR THE NUTRITION OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN INCORRECTED FOR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES) and to remove the title from the Unified Register of Individuals who have become unknown for special circumstances.
  2. Return from application to The State Enterprise “UKRAINIAN NATIONAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH OF THE WORLD”, which is the ultimate function of the National Information Bureau, extends to the Geneva Conventions on military service and protection of the civilian population during the hour of war to remove the entry from the register of defencists of Ukraine who are in the population of the aggressor power, so that the availability of information is as long as the presence in the population of the Zahisnik.
  3. Submit an application for release (I recommend using a lawyer) to the act of service investigation and materials of service investigation to the military unit or the TCC and SP for the fact of the known absence of the military service for special circumstances.

Documents required by the motherland of unknown deceased/dead persons

Notification In the territorial center, staffing and social support are provided.

Vityag from the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations - the following is reported after the brutality of the statement about the discovery of Zakhisnik and the discovery of criminal activity.

Vityag from the Unified Register of Individuals who have become unknown for special circumstances - looks like the Office of Nutrition for Special Situations (Secretariat of the Supervised Nutrition for Special Situations) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. To remove the item, it is necessary to send copies of documents to confirm the particular stage of the dispute with the particular person. Please send mail to the address Kiev, st. Bogomoletsya, 10, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, or via email [email protected].

Confirmation of the right to use pilgas family members of military servicemenwho perished (died) and disappeared into obscurity during the course of their military service.

The basis for the type of confirmation is a document that confirms the fact of death (death) or the loss of anonymity of the military service, as seen by the territorial center of recruitment and social support. This is a territorial center for staffing and social support for the place of residence of a family member. For children - after reaching the 7th century.

Sheet of the Coordination Headquarters for the Promotion of Military Pollenies, the National Information Bureau, which is assigned to the Center for Coordination of the Investigation and Investigation of the Illegal Removal of Personnel from the Armed Forces aggression of the Russian Federation at the Security Service of Ukraine from confirmation of the appearance of a new/captured individual in the Register of Defensists of Ukraine, who are in the presence of the aggressor power, or the inclusion of an individual before the appearance of the army's captured enemies.

Please note that the inclusion of an individual in the register or form does not provide official confirmation of its status as a full individual. International humanitarian law is officially confirmed the transfer of individuals from the population may be removed from the aggressor power through the Russian NIB mediated by the International Committee of the Red Cross. At this time, Russia undertakes to preserve the individual’s life for an hour of napping in fullness and to ensure the freedom of the individual, the rights granted by the Geneva Conventions.

Pension after spending a year's salary for the absence of those who have died for special circumstances in Zahisniki:

who, how and if can be removed 

The legislation provides social protection to military and civilian family members who are unaccounted for in special circumstances.

This is regulated by:

  1. By law of Ukraine “About the legal status of individuals who have fallen into obscurity due to special circumstances”
  2. By law of Ukraine “About the foreign state pension insurance”
  3. The procedure for submitting and processing documents for the recognition (rearrangement) of pensions is consistent with the Law of Ukraine “On Foreign Pension Insurance”
  4. hardening Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of Ukraine on November 25, 2005 No. 22-1, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 27, 2005 under No. 1566/11846.

To apply for a qualified pension, you must pay up to territorial body of the Pension Fund of Ukraine or through the web portal of electronic services of the Pension Fund of Ukraine using a qualified electronic signature or the BankID electronic system (with this option, scanned copies of original documents are provided before the application) recognition of a pension upon the loss of a year's salary for the absence of those who died during the war.

Relatives of people who fell into obscurity during the war period can withdraw their pension after spending their annual salary.Lawyer of Ukraine dated 07/09/2003 No. 1058-IV “On foreign pension insurance”.

From the station to the station. 9 Law  “About the foreign state pension insurance” Vor pension payments and social services are transferred: 3) pension in connection with the loss of the annual salary.

Accordingly to stattoo 10. The right to choose pension payments: 1. Individuals who are simultaneously entitled to different types of pensions (beyond age, due to disability, due to the loss of an annual salary), one of these types of pensions is assigned to them by choice.

Accordingly to stattoo 46 To the law  “About the foreign state pension insurance”: Payment of pensions for the last hour: 1. The accrued amount of pensions for which the pensioner has the right to be paid, unless immediately waived from the blame, shall be paid for the last hour, and not more than three days before the day of payment after recovery. pensions. In many cases, part of the amount of the remaining pension, or not more than for 12 months, is paid immediately, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal parts, so as not to exceed the monthly amount of the pension.

2. The accrued amount of pensions, not withdrawn from the fault of the body that recognizes and pays the pension, is paid for the last hour without any exchange with the accrued compensation for the loss of part of the income. Compensation for the loss of part of the pension in connection with broken lines of payments to pensioners is subject to law.

Right to pension recognition upon expiration of the year, it will appear one month from the day the information about the unknown person was entered to the unified police department.

The pension can be withdrawn:

  1. children of the new age until the age of 18;
  2. children from 18 to 23 years of age, who begin the daily form of education, until the end of education;
  3. orphans under the age of 23, regardless of the fact of birth;
  4. a person or a squad, fathers, as they are people with disabilities or have reached retirement age;
  5. a man or a friend, and in each case - one of the fathers or brothers and sisters, the grandfather and grandmother of the one-year-old, regardless of age and success, as they do not work and look after the child of the one-year-old until her reach is 8 rocks;
  6. fathers and men or squads, who were not in the morning of the unknown obscurity, but in the wake of its death, they spent a lot of money before going to bed.

To claim your pension you must:

A package of documents must be kept in order to determine which relatives will apply for a pension:

  1. Application for pension recognition.
  2. A certificate about the people of children.
  3. Certificate about whores.
  4. Certificate about the birth of a new unknown (at the option of filing an application by fathers/brothers, sisters).
  5. Identification code of the child and passport, code, military receipt, work book, registration-vityag, like the father’s i-d passport (for obviousness).
  6. Evidence about the family's warehouse of unknown obscurity.
  7. Documents about place of residence (registrations).
  8. Vitya from the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations or from the Unified Register of Individuals Unknown for Special Circumstances.
  9. Proceedings from the management process, so as not to deduct other payments
  10. Evidence about the family's warehouse 

The pension is assigned for the period during which the person maintains the legal status of an individual who has fallen into oblivion due to special circumstances. Varto note that the pension is assigned independently of the triviality of the insurance period of an individual who has died due to special circumstances.

Payment of the pension is applied from the day following the day of entry to the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations or to the Unified Register of Persons Known for Special Circumstances, notes about the establishment of medical treatment, burial place or locality of the remains of an individual, unknown or unknown for special circumstances.

The death of an individual, who has been given the legal status of an individual, who has fallen into obscurity due to special circumstances and who has died in accordance with the procedure established by law, gives the unborn members of the family of such an individual the right to a donation for the withdrawal of a pension from their relationship. wasting a year's salary on the legal bases, subject to the Law of Ukraine “On foreign pension insurance”.

Pension payment takes place over the course of an entire hour, during which time each person is immersed in a certain obscurity. Then, until the Unified Register of Persons Known for Special Situations, a note has been made about the established place of relocation, place of burial, and place of discovery of the remains of the unknown person. 

It should be noted that the pension upon the expiration of a year's salary for the ill-fated relatives of the deceased is recognized independently of the insurance period of the deceased individual.

Payment for the absence of an unknown military officer:

In accordance with Part 6 of Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On Social and Legal Protection of Military Servicemen and Members of Their Families”, payments are saved for military servicemen who have become unaccounted for and transferred to:  

For military services, buried in full or guards, as well as interned in neutral powers or without weight every day, payments in the amount of the daily salary for the remaining place of service are saved, salary for military ranks, bonuses for long service, other common additional types of penny security of a stable nature and other types of penny security with the regulation of changes in the service of fatalities and standards of penny security. Families of designated military servicemen are paid monthly a penny security, including additional and other types of penny security, in order and in sizes that are established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

This clause does not apply to military servicemen who voluntarily surrendered, voluntarily deprived of military units (place of service), or deserted from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other establishments This is consistent with the laws of Ukraine, military formations and law enforcement agencies.

Also given by the law, Part 6 of Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On Social and Legal Protection of Military Service Members and Members of Their Families”, it is passed that:

The penny's security is paid such family members of military servicemen:

squad (person), and at any time - to children of full age who live with her (him), or legal representatives (opikuns, pikluvalniks) and usinovlyuvachs minor children (individuals with disabilities from childhood - regardless of their age), as well as individuals who are in the morning military service, or to the fathers of military servicemen in equal parts, as military servicemen do not spend time with their whores and do not care for their children

Payment of a penny security to these family members will continue until the situation of military servicemen being buried is completely cleared up. or guards, interning of military services or their release, or recognition of them in accordance with the procedure established by law weightless and dead. In all cases, the payment of a penny security will be completed no later than the day the military service is removed from the lists of the special warehouse of the military unit.

To get to the viplats:

Permanent salary - based on the remaining position of service.

Salary for military ranks.

Allowances for long service.

Other common additional types of penny security.

So, in practical terms, payments for the unknown include both a penny security and an additional vineyard in the amount of 100 thousand hryvnia. This nutrition is regulated by regulatory legal acts, zocrema:

The procedure for paying penny security to the families of military servicemen who were buried in full or by guarantors, as well as interned in neutral powers or without weight - was confirmed by the Decree of the 30th November 2016, date No. 884.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “Provision of payments to military servicemen, privates and commanders, police officers and their families during the war” – dated 28 February 2022, No. 168.

The procedure for the current payment of penny security is paid to family members from the moment the military service member is unknown. To withdraw payments, you must submit an application in the name of the commander of the military unit and add the following documents to it:

Copies of the sides of the passport of full-time family members.

Proof of registration of place of residence, as this information does not fit in the passport.

A copy of the certificate of love.

Copies of birth certificates for children.

A copy of the RNOCPP (registration number of the tax payer's cloud card).

This procedure requires careful consideration and will ensure material support for these families of military servicemen who have fallen into obscurity.

It is clear that before the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 168, members of the family of military servicemen, who fell into oblivion due to special circumstances or were completely exhausted, are entitled to additional wine in the amount of 100 thousand hryvnias throughout the entire The military serviceman stays in full force until his status is changed.

Payments will be made in response to the punishment of commanders of military units. Payments are made if there are any exclusions from the list of special warehouse parts.